Interactive Advertising Bureau
11 June 2018

IAB Europe News: Transparency & Consent Framework Mobile App Spec Ready for Adoption

Today, IAB Tech Lab and IAB Europe released the Transparency and Consent Framework’s Mobile In-app Specifications as a final version ready for widespread industry adoption. No significant changes were made to the specs in the process of finalization. Tech Lab’s GDPR Mobile Subgroup reviewed the specifications and public comments, considering their own implementation strategies in applying the Framework for in-app.

Early adopters of the mobile specs should be sure that their implementation complies with the final mobile in-app specifications and adheres to the Framework policies.

Released for public comment at the same time earlier this quarter, pubvendors.json will also be finalized in the coming weeks. Pubvendors.json provides granular controls to publishers, allowing them to whitelist vendors, addressing publisher liability concerns, and the ability for publishers to express if they support a vendor using Legitimate Interest as a legal basis. For mobile app inventory use of pubvendors.json, please review the Mobile Guidance for Ads.txt out for public comment until July 6th.

The Transparency and Consent Framework has over 350 registered vendors on the Global Vendor List, over 100 registered CMPs (Consent Management Providers), and potentially tens of thousands of publishers. This rapid adoption will be strengthened with the addition of finalized mobile in-app specifications.

General questions on the Framework can be sent to, and technical questions can be sent to

To join the Transparency & Consent Framework, register here:

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